Working with Melanie on Facebook ads and email copy has been a pleasure. In our recent campaign, Melanie created email copy and ad copy. She consulted on the ad graphics, and carefully tested out audiences for their viability in meeting our targets. After a successful launch with demonstrated results through the Facebook ad campaign, we will be continuing to work with Melanie to promote upcoming programs, courses, and offers.
Azi Jankovic
Melanie’s exceeded expectations through her Facebook Ads strategy. Her work directly generated over 1,000 new email subscribers in a short time; some donations and most of all, she did not need much oversight. She is proactive and positive energy. I would only recommend her to nice people – if you’re not sure if you’re a nice client, please find someone else.
Dan Rosenstein
Melanie produced professional high-quality copy for me using the Storybrand framework. It was a rush job and she came through with flying colors. If you need marketing materials that will reflect the core of your brand and clearly express what you do to your customers, Melanie will get it done right.
Nathan Weill
Melanie’s a *LEGEND* when it comes to Facebook Ads. From finding the right audiences to tweaking and scaling campaigns, she 100% knows what to do to help deliver ROI. We worked together on developing a few campaigns for a client and with her genius insights we were able to achieve $0.01 video views on some of the client’s ads. Highly recommended – if you can work with Melanie *do it!*
Eden Bidani
Melanie is a pleasure to work with and she definitely delivered on her promise to help me grow my email list. Within 3 months, we doubled the size of my email list. She put together Facebook ads and tested them to ensure we were getting the desired results. She even showed me how to keep my ad running afterwards. If you are looking to get awesome results with Facebook ads, I highly recommend working with Melanie.
Suzanne Healy
Melanie writes emails that get people excited and compel them to take action. She perfectly captures the personality and voice of the client and builds rapport with the audience in a fun and engaging way. Not only that, but she is also excellent at Facebook and other Paid Advertising platforms. Melanie is a pleasure to work with and I highly recommend taking advantage of her services.
Steve Rosenbaum
Even if you happen to find a rare FB ad specialist – slash – conversion copywriter, you won’t find one as dedicated as Melanie. Dedicated to your success, and dedicated to her craft. Melanie’s invested tremendously in learning from the best, in staying up to date, in experimenting and doing (and getting results). And she really really cares. Which is kind of important as you hand over a chunk of change in ad spend…
Nikki Elbaz
Melanie is a top-notch copywriter and Facebook ad and digital marketer. I have worked with her on several projects and she always delivers excellent work quickly and efficiently.
Rhea Cohen
Melanie’s facebook ad for me netted a 257% return. Melanie understands getting people to take the plunge and become prospects then leads then clients. For facebook ads, webinars, email sequences and followup – Melanie is the one. Add her feel for the nuances of the health market and what people with health concerns want to feel in order to know taking that step will be safe and nurturing for them… Melanie is in a class by herself. If she’s available for your project, I say grab her and her expertise!
Dina Gaines
Melanie was truly a pleasure to work with. She provided quality copy and was reliable in her delivery. I highly recommend taking advantage of her services.
Nechama Drillick
Lead gen for coaches and consultants

Get a successful launch with demonstrated results

Working with Melanie on Facebook ads and email copy has been a pleasure. In our recent campaign, Melanie created email copy and ad copy. She consulted on the ad graphics, and carefully tested out audiences for their viability in meeting our targets. After a successful launch with demonstrated results through the Facebook ad campaign, we will be continuing to work with Melanie to promote upcoming programs, courses, and offers.

Generated over 1,000 new email subscribers

Melanie’s exceeded expectations through her Facebook Ads strategy. Her work directly generated over 1,000 new email subscribers in a short time; some donations and most of all, she did not need much oversight. She is proactive and positive energy. I would only recommend her to nice people – if you’re not sure if you’re a nice client, please find someone else.

Clearly expresses our core brand

Melanie produced professional high-quality copy for me using the Storybrand framework. It was a rush job and she came through with flying colors. If you need marketing materials that will reflect the core of your brand and clearly express what you do to your customers, Melanie will get it done right.

Melanie came through with flying colors

Professional, high quality copy that reflects your core brand

100% knows what to do to deliver ROI

Melanie’s a *LEGEND* when it comes to Facebook Ads. From finding the right audiences to tweaking and scaling campaigns, she 100% knows what to do to help deliver ROI. We worked together on developing a few campaigns for a client and with her genius insights we were able to achieve $0.01 video views on some of the client’s ads. Highly recommended – if you can work with Melanie *do it!*

Top-notch copywriter and Facebook ad and digital marketer

Melanie is a top-notch copywriter and Facebook ad and digital marketer. I have worked with her on several projects and she always delivers excellent work quickly and efficiently.

Quality copy, reliable delivery

Melanie was truly a pleasure to work with. She provided quality copy and was reliable in her delivery. I highly recommend taking advantage of her services.

Quality copy, reliable delivery

100% knows what to do to deliver ROI

Top notch digital marketer

Doubled her email list in three months

Melanie is a pleasure to work with and she definitely delivered on her promise to help me grow my email list. Within 3 months, we doubled the size of my email list. She put together Facebook ads and tested them to ensure we were getting the desired results. She even showed me how to keep my ad running afterwards. If you are looking to get awesome results with Facebook ads, I highly recommend working with Melanie.

Builds rapport with the audience in a fun and engaging way

Melanie writes emails that get people excited and compel them to take action. She perfectly captures the personality and voice of the client and builds rapport with the audience in a fun and engaging way. Not only that, but she is also excellent at Facebook and other Paid Advertising platforms. Melanie is a pleasure to work with and I highly recommend taking advantage of her services.

Emails that get people excited and compel them to take action

Easy as 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

Organic traffic

Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook, oh my! Plus guest posts and podcast interviews if you're interested.

Paid traffic

Facebook ads to the rescue! Promote your challenge or your free training, and let's grow your list. Oh baby!

Email marketing

Nurture to the sale and watch those traffic generation techniques pay off with dollar signs.

Funnel audit

Have lots of this in place already? I'll take a ook and tell you what you need to succeed.2 3.6+

Dedicated to getting results

Even if you happen to find a rare FB ad specialist – slash – conversion copywriter, you won’t find one as dedicated as Melanie. Dedicated to your success, and dedicated to her craft. Melanie’s invested tremendously in learning from the best, in staying up to date, in experimenting and doing (and getting results). And she really really cares. Which is kind of important as you hand over a chunk of change in ad spend…
Nikki Elbaz

Melanie is in a class by herself

Melanie’s facebook ad for me netted a 257% return. Melanie understands getting people to take the plunge and become prospects then leads then clients. For facebook ads, webinars, email sequences and followup – Melanie is the one. Add her feel for the nuances of the health market and what people with health concerns want to feel in order to know taking that step will be safe and nurturing for them… Melanie is in a class by herself. If she’s available for your project, I say grab her and her expertise!
Dina Gaines
How it works

Melanie understands getting people to take the plunge


Lots of questions and followup questions and client interviews and whatnot.

Nail your messaging

This is where we take it and turn it into something effective. Watch out world, here you come.

Watch the leads roll in

Yay! Tweaking and iterating until your audience is responding with enthusiasm.

Doubled her email list in three months

Within 3 months, we doubled the size of my email list. Melanie put together Facebook ads and tested them to ensure we were getting the desired results. For awesome results with Facebook ads, work with Melanie.

High converting FB ads, Linkedin posts and email sequences

Sick of lackluster sales and watching your marketing campaigns fall SPLAT?

Get social media marketing strategies PLUS the copy that captures hearts and converts the mehs into “HECK YEAHS”

Get visible, build your list and make sales

High converting FB ads, Linkedin posts and email sequences for your established coaches and service providers.