Will paid social media ads

Bring you more business and make you more sales?
The short answer:

Social media has actually swallowed up the whole online marketing industry
There is no getting around it
When consumers buy from a brand in the 21st century–they want to really know, like and trust you (KLT factor).
If you want people to buy from you today, you must constantly invest in your KLT factor on social media.
The fastest way to reach your goals is to use some combo of organic and paid traffic on the major social media channels. Some of my favorites are quizzes or webinars to get people on your email list.
Is email dead?
Let’s get our facts straight:
- Email marketing results in and average of a $38 return on every dollar spent--that’s a whopping 3800% ROI
- 50% of the human race on our planet use email
- More millionaires have been made using email than any other online strategy
Sounds alive and kickin’ to me!
Will a quiz funnel help your business?

What is the secret to their astounding success?

Every business has prospects that want...

There is a viral quiz hiding in your business --

What is the secret to their astounding success?

Every business has prospects that want...

There is a viral quiz hiding in your business --
Here are some examples to sink your teeth into:
- Warby Parker, disrupted the eyeglass industry by going from nothing to $250 million/year in just a few years
- Saatchi Mattress disrupted the mattress industry going from nothing to $325 million in just a few months
- Charlie Wallace found a way to generate sales 24/7, all year round, growing his business from $12,000 a month to over $2.2 million/year
- Over 1 million email subscribers for Spanish language parenting quiz in only 10 Days
What’s my process?
"Why should I choose you, Melanie?"
I'm glad you asked!
Copy is my secret weapon

When it comes to running Facebook ads, copy is Queen
Fact is:
Most Facebook ads managers are NOT copywriters like me.
They may know what buttons to push in the ads manager–
–but with the changes in tracking due to iOS 14, it is more crucial than ever to have not just average copy but KILLER ad copy if you want conversions.
Fancy Facebook ad footwork will get you nowhere without an offer that solves problems and superior messaging that persuades your prospects that your solution is right for THEM.
Leave average flailing in the dust
You just cannot rely on some trigger-happy Facebook ads manager who doesn’t know how to write ads.
Lucky for my clients
It starts with the ads
The method I follow is the Everlasting Ad method taught by Keith Krance who has coached and run ads for just about every big name guru out there.
Frank Kern, Ryan Levesque, Todd Brown, T. Harv Eker and many more.
This method of ad creation (ideally with video) is why I am not worried about the changes in targeting etc.
When your ads do the heavy lifting, all the rest falls into place.
This method gets my clients fantastic results and ads that stick around for months or even years without burning out.
Oh, and FYI–I also know how to push all the buttons 😉
Next step: email
Once you get a list of leads or buyers, I use email sequences taught by million dollar email copywriter, Chris Orzechowski to turn them into raving fans who want to buy from you over and over again.
I don’t rely on fancy branded images, but I do paint a picture with my words to make an emotional connection with your peeps. Emails are full of story and never boring.
No dry or dull emails on my watch 🙂
Just building rapport in very specific sequences based on sales psychology and direct response copywriting principles.
If your crowd is on Linkedin, don’t sweat
I write compelling posts in the voice of your brand to get you engagement, leads and sales using my proven Linkedin Ghost Post process.
Working with a combination of voice messages and written transcripts make it easy to crank out posts bursting with your unique personality.
My method is to use 5 different post types with different objectives that maximize your impact and get you more leads.
She came through with flying colors

Nathan Weill
CEO, Flow Digital Inc.
Who am I, anyway?
I’m a Mom who loves to spend time with family and friends celebrating life and building meaningful connections.
My background is in psychology and translation–but nowadays I’m all about marketing.
It all started in 2016 when my husband needed help finding new students for his spiritual coaching program.

At first we thought we’d just hire someone.
We knew the only way forward was for one of us to learn how to run ads.
And that’s when I fell (willingly) down the Facebook Ad rabbit hole.
The strategy, the copy the thrill of getting a funnel to work.
Once he was able to capitalize on the gains we made with his funnels–getting leads consistently–it was time for me to work my Facebook ad and copywriting magic for other business owners.
I've never looked back since

She has a feel for the nuances

Dina Gaines
Marketing for creative professionals
Hate marketing? I got your back!
- Sleepless nights
- Wasted time and money
- Trying haphazard strategies without following through
- Second guessing your every move
- Total and complete marketing burn out
When we work together we will:
Do the work once to get your customized lead generation machine in place. So you can:
Attract clients and customers while you sleep
Save your creative brain power for your client work and creating new products and offers
Spend more time enjoying life and business
Top-notch, excellent work

Rhea Cohen
Web designer and SEO specialist