Marketing that makes sales easy--so you can scale!

The Facebook Ads manager is a beast!

YOU must tame IT or it’ll eat you alive.

Which box do you fit into?

I’m sick and tired of trying to make my ads work. It’s sucking me dry.

I know my Facebook ads could be doing better. But I just keep getting stuck at break even or worse.

I’ve been burnt by ads managers in the past and need someone with a proven process that gets results.

I can’t really afford to pay for both ads and an ads manager yet--but want some supportive, expert guidance so I can succeed myself.

Now, more than ever, you need a caring, results-driven paid traffic expert by your side.

Facebook feels like an alternative reality where the rules keep changing and it’s squeezing the life out of you to try and keep up.

It’s harder and harder to get ROI as ad costs soar and competition rages as everyone and their kid brother are running ads-clogging up the platform.
To win on Facebook in today’s climate, you must know:
Only those ads managers who are

agile enough to adapt to the changes and pivot accordingly will survive.

Never fear, your thriving ad campaigns are here!

Everyone needs a sales funnel that works

Tiny tweaks in your messaging or pixel set up can drastically improve your funnel.

Give me a look at your current funnel and we’ll unclog the blockages and fine-tune the messaging so leads and sales start to flow like the ocean at high tide.

Your ad copy is THE biggest needle mover in running Facebook ads

If your ad copy doesn’t speak to your audience–it doesn’t matter how many ads manager acrobatics you do.

Let me help you craft:
Compelling, empathy-oozing ad copy
Nails your prospect’s most pressing problems
Positions your product or service as the BEST solution

Fingers will click at unbelievable rates

Like a recent campaign that got a 7.27% Unique CTR with $1.74 cost per lead--even in this competitive climate.

Once we nail the copy, what else is crucial for success?

Relentless testing to find new audiences

Systemized retargeting

Strategic use of Lookalikes and Custom Audiences based on behavior

Here's the plan:


Create campaigns that convert your cold traffic into leads and sales.


Retarget the people who saw your sales page (but didn’t convert) with more valuable social proof.


Go in for the sale.

Facebook Advertising done right can:

Like I’ve done for these happy clients:

dra 1
cl 1
mm 1
tsb 1
fb 1
Getting results like these:

2X email list for a health coach in 3 months on a low budget

And lots more where they came from 🙂

Leads every hour of the day

Melanie’s Facebook ads got me consistent leads pretty much every hour of the day during our campaign. It was such an amazing feeling! She really knows what she’s doing and I highly recommend working with her if you want to grow your email list fast.
Rena Yudkowsky

Memory coach at Memory Matters

Schedule a 20 minute convo based on your needs

Free audit of your current campaigns and assets to see how I can help you.


Strategy session to see if your business is Facebook-ad ready.

Pick your Package

Monthly Facebook Ads Management

You get:

Ads management investment:

Ad management averages $2000 per month, not including monthly ad spend.
Ad budget under $5K? Ask about customized management options.

Deep Dive Audit

You get:

Deep Dive investment: $697


You get:

VIP Day investment: $1497

Hourly Consulting

Schedule permitting, I will:

Consulting investment: $200/hour
Group coaching: $497/month

Big Tech may be taking over, but your email list is your greatest asset.

I write email sequences that make your list LOVE to buy from you. You’ll make more sales and fill any gaps so you don’t leave money on the table.

A successful email strategy

Is founded on deep understanding of:

Your ideal client or customer

Your market

Your competition

That’s why all my email packages begin with the following process:

Step 1

Deep Dive Strategy Call

On this 60 minute call we will explore your business, the services you are offering and the problems you solve for your customers.

We will define or review your ideal client Avatar and how your product or service helps them reach your goals.

You will help me understand your brand personality so I can write emails that sound like YOU and that align with your brand.

We will identify your main competitors so I can go on to the next step of competitive analysis.

Step 2

Competitive Research

This is where I spy on your competitors’ marketing to see what they are offering and how they are talking about their product or services.

Doing this will inform our own email strategy and find hidden opportunities to get prospects to choose you over the competition.

Step 3

Voice of Customer

I will send out a short survey to your list to find out what makes your customers go gaga for you 🙂 This is important so we can focus on those things in our emails.

I will also interview 3 customers to get some actual words they use so we can use their actual words and sentiments in the copy.

Finally, if there are any customer reviews or testimonials, I will analyze them and take out the golden nuggets to add to our email strategy.

Step 4

Email Copy

You will get 4 highly engaging and persuasive conversion optimized emails written in your style and voice that will help you reach your specific goals for the sequence.

After your review you will have the opportunity to make comments and I will make 1 major revision if you are not happy. Then for the final draft I am happy to make 1 more round of minor revisions so your copy shines the way you like.

Gets people excited to take action

Melanie writes emails that get people excited and compel them to take action. She perfectly captures the personality and voice of the client and builds rapport with the audience in a fun and engaging way. Not only that, but she is also excellent at Facebook and other Paid Advertising platforms. Melanie is a pleasure to work with and I highly recommend taking advantage of her services.
Steve Rosenbaum

Customer retention funnels at Flawless Followup

Which package will move your business forward today?

Welcome Sequence

(aka Nurturing or Onboarding)
You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Cliche, but true.
Welcome new subscribers or customers with a warm, personal touch that encourages them to become loyal fans.
You get:

Welcome sequence investment: $1800

Sales Emails

These are stand alone emails that have 1 goal — make sales.
Each email will have a different hook to appeal to people with different problems and awareness levels.
You get:

Sales Emails investment: $1850

Monthly Newsletter

Keep top of mind with weekly (or more!) emails that warm up your list until they are ready to buy.
Frequent and consistent emails have been proven to massively increase revenue.
You get:

Monthly Newsletter investment: $600 for 2 emails per month

More Must Have sequences so you don’t leave money on the table:

Abandoned Cart

Order Confirmation with upsell/cross sell

Browse Abandonment

Customer win-back series

Let’s schedule a call to create a customized email marketing plan for your business today.

If you are a B2B business, you can find a world of ideal clients spending time on Linkedin

The trick is to get their attention without being spammy.

We do that with a strategy
The only way to do that is by having a magnetic profile and a strategy of consistent posting that builds your authority and the know/like/trust effect.

This keeps you top of mind when your ideal client is ready to use the service you provide.

Daily posting can feel overwhelming.

I can either take over the whole show and write daily engaging posts that burst with personality and showcase your expertise…

Or we can come up with a customized plan that involves me posting a few times a week and you filling in the rest.

Get your leads and sales flowing

Magnetic LinkedIn Profile

Stand out from the crowd and wow them

The first thing someone does when they find you on Linkedin is to view your profile.
You get:

Magnetic LI Profile investment: $1297

Customized LI Strategy

Maximize your marketing time and finally get results

It’s hard to know where to start with getting leads on Linkedin.
You get:

Customized LI Strategy investment: $1500

Posting Packages

I will support you with your posting. We will have a call to generate post ideas that will be recorded so I can really use your tone and words so posts sound like you wrote them.
Your investment:

Efficient, dedicated

Melanie was a pleasure to work with! She is efficient and dedicated, and has a great can-do attitude. A wonderful team player too!
Joel Freund

Linkedin Strategist